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Table 1 Typical multidisciplinary protocol for the CAH clinic at The Children's Hospital of Oklahoma.

From: An Evidence-Based Model of Multidisciplinary Care for Patients and Families Affected by Classical Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency



Visit Schedule





Support Group

1st Month

(i) Metabolic stability

(ii) Provide parents with an understanding of disease and treatment

1, 2 & 4 wks

(i) CAH panel every visit

(ii) Electrolytes every visit

(i) Meets with RN each visit re: medical regimen and stress dosing


Up to 3 years

(i) Establish optimal medical regimen

(ii) Feminizing surgery as needed for females

Every 3 mos

(i) CAH panel every visit

(ii) Electrolytes through 1st year

(iii) BA yearly starting at age 2

(i) Meets with RN each visit re: medical regimen

(ii) Meets with RN annually re: stress dosing, medic alert, and CAH quiz

Females see urologist at 3, 6, 12 months

3, 12, and 24 mo

Every 4 mos

3 y to adolescence

(i) Adjust medical regimen to maintain normal growth and health

(ii) Increase child's understanding of condition as appropriate for age

Every 4 mos

(i) CAH panel every visit

(ii) BA yearly until epiphyseal fusion

(i) Meets with RN each visit re: medical regimen

(ii) Meets with RN annually re: stress dosing, medic alert, and CAH quiz

Females see urologist prior to menarche

Annually or more often as needed

Every 4 mos


(i) Adjust medical regimen to maintain normal growth, pubertal development and maintain health

(ii) Increase child's understanding of condition as appropriate for age

(iii) Follow-up with Urology for females

Every 4 mos

(i) CAH panel every visit

(ii) Annual testicular exam for boys

(i) Meets with RN each visit re: medical regimen

(ii) Meets with RN annually re: stress dosing, medic alert, and CAH quiz

Females see urologist prior to becoming sexually active

Annually or more often as needed

Every 4 mos


(i) Transition to adult medical care


CAH panel every visit


As needed

Annually or more often as needed

Every 4 mos