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Table 1 Factors associated with increased incidence of SGA birth

From: Genetic factors associated with small for gestational age birth and the use of human growth hormone in treating the disorder






Medical conditions

Gross structural placental factors

Maternal age

-Trisomy 21


-Single umbilical artery

-Very young age

-Trisomy 18

-Renal disease

-Placental hemangiomas

-Older age

-Monosomy X

-Diabetes mellitus

-Infarcts, focal lesions

Maternal height

-Trisomy 13

-Collagen vascular diseases

Insufficient uteroplacental perfusion

Maternal weight

Chromosomal abnormalities

-Maternal hypoxemia

-Suboptimal implantation site

Maternal and paternal race

-Autosomal deletion


Placenta previa

History of SGA

-Ring chromosomes


Low-lying placenta


Genetic diseases


Placental abruption





-Bloom syndrome



Congenital anomalies



-Potter syndrome



-Cardiac abnormalities



Nutritional status


-Low prepregnancy weight


-Low pregnancy weight


Substance use/abuse


-Cigarette smoking




-Illicit drugs


-Therapeutic drugs

  1. HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; SGA, small for gestational age.
  2. Reprinted with permission from [3].