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Table 1 Description of external and internal genital structures.

From: FSH Injections and Ultrasonography Determine Presence of Ovarian Components in the Evaluation of Ovotesticular Disorders of Sex Development


External genitalia

Internal genitalia assessed by US


1 cm phallic structure, tip of urethra identified proximal to apparent vaginal opening, nonfused labioscrotal structures, hyperpigmented, nonrugated, no palpable gonads

No uterus: 0.8 0.5 cm gonad visualized in inferior aspect of the inguinal canal


1 cm phallic structure, introitus opening with urethra, labioscrotal structures partially fused, non-hyperpigmented, right gonad palpable in inguinal canal

Hypoplastic uterus: 2.5 cm in length with a 0.2 cm fundus, 0.2 cm cervix; right inguinal gonad 0.9 0.6 0.8 cm, left inguinal gonad 0.6 0.6 cm


1.8 cm phallic structure with ventral urethra, fused labioscrotal structure, hyperpigmented with ruggae. No introitus or vaginal opening. No palpable gonads

No uterus: right pelvic gonad 0.65 0. 68 0.7 cm; left inguinal gonad 0.9 0.12 0.6 cm